Friday, October 30, 2009

Tortlla Pizza

My mom has never been a gourmet cook (she's usually the one to bring the relish tray for family potluck dinners). But she's always been remarkably creative and frugal. A great example of this is the tortilla pizza, a staple of my childhood.

Simple, cheap, and quick, albeit not the most nutritious, this remains a favorite lunch of mine. Now that I have a toaster oven it's ready in record time.

Tortilla Pizza

1 flour tortilla
pasta sauce
cheese (works best with shredded, but even sliced can be used)

Construct pizza in the usual way. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes.


Nancy Byun and Sunshine Fye Choe said...

You made it look so delicious, but you need WAY more cheese. Like you said - this is not health food.

Mommy Farrell said...

so yummy!!