I woke up this morning to the grumble of far away thunder. It's been months since we had a good rain storm. I remember as an angst-ridden teen, one of my favorite summer activities was sitting inside my room with my feet dangling out the window during a warm summer thunderstorm. The smell of the wet grass and the water between my toes was heaven!
Today's rain (unfortunately) falls into the gloomy-spring-drippy-rain category, but I still enjoy it-albeit from a warm spot nestled under the covers.
But cold rain days are good for something: hearty German food!
While perusing the pile of corned beef requisite for the St. Paddy's day culinary celebration at the supermarket, I saw fresh bagged sauerkraut was also on sale. Never one to pass up a good deal, I decided there was no harm in two closely spaced hearty meals, except maybe the need for a little extra time on the
One of my favorite blogs recently posted a version of the cooks illustrated version of the mark bittman 'no knead bread'. I've made the original with great success, but this recipe guaranteed a more flavorful loaf. I used a pale ale homemade by some of our talented brew- making friends, and the bread came out marvelously.
As for the sauerkraut, it hardly counts as a recipe, but here goes:
4 medium/large potatoes (i used red), peeled and cubed
3 large carots, peeled and chopped to appx. 2 inch pieces
2 sausages, sliced (I used toulouse made at our local co-op)
1 Bag sauerkraut
1 TBS caraway seeds
Place everything into a large stock pot, add enough water it cover at least half the ingredients, and simmer for a few hours until the veggies are tender. I also added the leftover beer from the bread.
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