Friday, November 23, 2007

sick stew

For those days when you just want to crawl back under the covers and keep a full box of tissues at the ready, i give you: sick stew. When you're sick and have no taste buds, you don't even have to add salt (there's enough already injected into most chicken anyway).

2 pounds chicken parts
3 carrots, chopped
3 celery stalks, chopped
1 onion (also chopped)
various herbs (i prefer rosemary and oregano, because I have them growing fresh in my kitchen)
water to cover (around 6 cups)
1.5 Cups egg noodles

Place everything in a stockpot, and cover with water. Bring to a boil, then cover and reduce to simmer for an hour or so, until the whole house smells like chicken and and the meat falls off the bones. Add the egg noodles and simmer until they are soft. After slurping some sick stew, crawl back under those deserve a day off.


Angela said...

what, no moldy cheese as a garnish? i'm shocked, i tell you...SHOCKED :)

i may fix a pot of this myself today. it sounds wonderful. hope it helps to cure what ails you.

feel better soon.

Unknown said...

thanks! today was another sick stew day as the husbot is coming down with whatever has been draining me all week.

Unknown said...

i might add that today's sick stew was chicken and dumplings (at the husbot's request) instead of noodles.