We don't eat actual food around chez phamished.
We subsist only on butter and sugar.
At least this past month has felt a bit that way. Between school and an assortment of parties, I haven't had much time for nutritious cooking.
But baking? I'll always find time for that.
I promised someone (over a week ago) that I would get some photos of my recent baking escapades up. Sorry for the delay, enjoy!
Angel Food Cake (+lemon curd)
My first attempt at angel food cake (made for a super bowl party).
After making the cake batter I didn't have the heart to throw out perfectly
good egg whites, so I turned them into lemon curd. I iced the
cake with a simple powdered sugar/lemon juice frosting.

Chocolate Macadamia Nut Biscotti
Even since baking some decent butter-containing biscotti over Christmas, I have wanted to try a "fat" free version. I used a recipe from David Lebovitz, found here, and swapped out the almonds for crushed mac nuts, and almond extract for vanilla extract. I think this is the first time I have been a little turned off by the chunky sugar crystals on top of something. Here they give the biscotti a sort of moldy look. Nevertheless, these were amazing, and
kept well for a few weeks.

Dessert In Three Movements
My contribution to a close friend's baby shower
(and another close friend's going-away party) was the dessert.
I prefer single serving desserts for parties, so these were all basically cupcakes.
The first photos are mini german chocolate cakes, recipe here. Another
amazing Lebovitz recipe (can you tell I've got a super
baking crush on the Lebo??) These were really
cute and very decadent.

Next up, are lemon shortbread cookies. I used a recipe from Dorie Greenspan's Baking book. I rolled these in turbinado sugar and lemon zest. These were my favorite, simple and elegant.
We subsist only on butter and sugar.
At least this past month has felt a bit that way. Between school and an assortment of parties, I haven't had much time for nutritious cooking.
But baking? I'll always find time for that.
I promised someone (over a week ago) that I would get some photos of my recent baking escapades up. Sorry for the delay, enjoy!
Angel Food Cake (+lemon curd)
My first attempt at angel food cake (made for a super bowl party).
After making the cake batter I didn't have the heart to throw out perfectly
good egg whites, so I turned them into lemon curd. I iced the
cake with a simple powdered sugar/lemon juice frosting.
Chocolate Macadamia Nut Biscotti
Even since baking some decent butter-containing biscotti over Christmas, I have wanted to try a "fat" free version. I used a recipe from David Lebovitz, found here, and swapped out the almonds for crushed mac nuts, and almond extract for vanilla extract. I think this is the first time I have been a little turned off by the chunky sugar crystals on top of something. Here they give the biscotti a sort of moldy look. Nevertheless, these were amazing, and
kept well for a few weeks.
Dessert In Three Movements
My contribution to a close friend's baby shower
(and another close friend's going-away party) was the dessert.
I prefer single serving desserts for parties, so these were all basically cupcakes.
The first photos are mini german chocolate cakes, recipe here. Another
amazing Lebovitz recipe (can you tell I've got a super
baking crush on the Lebo??) These were really
cute and very decadent.
Next up, are lemon shortbread cookies. I used a recipe from Dorie Greenspan's Baking book. I rolled these in turbinado sugar and lemon zest. These were my favorite, simple and elegant.
Last up are the mini-cheesecakes. I can't remember the recipe I used here, but I know it involved sour cream. These came out of their cupcake papers much easier then I thought they would. I thought they looked really cute, and they were the perfect amount of cheesecake - about 3 (my mouth-sized) bites.